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Each workbook is a one-year course book.

Speak Easy is a one-year course for young students. The course includes a Workbook, with colouring pages, songs, talking cards, stories and other fun pages. There are 20 games that coincide with the material from the book and 260 picture and word flashcards covering the vocabulary that appear in the Workbook, including 'numbers', 'colours', 'family' and many more subjects. The course has other materials to accompany it, to make the learning process easy and fun.

A to Z for You & Me
A to Z for You & Me is a one-year course to review letter recognition, uppercase and lowercase letters. It is also a review of the vocabulary taught in Speak Easy.
So this is a general review book of Letter Recognition, Vocabulary and Spoken English.
A fun-filled book for your students to colour, do matching activities, and includes 3 games to colour, cut and play.

Easy Read is a one-year course for beginner students. The course includes a Workbook, 12 games that coincide with the material from the book and 640 flashcards covering the ABC and all the words with pictures that appear in the Workbook, starting with 'cat', 'mat', 'hat' and finishing with 'station', 'magician' and 'television;. The course has other materials to accompany it, to make the learning process easy and fun.

Level 1 is a one-year course for students who have grasped the ABC and can read and understand short texts. The book is taught according to subjects, such as: animals, clothes, food, sports,
numbers, etc. Each subject has a text, comprehension questions, a work page and a fun homework page. Other materials accompany the course to make the learning experience easy and fun.

Level 1A is a one-year course for students who are learning basic grammar, can read texts of 50 words understand them, answer comprehension questions on the subject, and write short descriptions and stories. Poems and Riddles are introduced in the Workbook
for fun learning activities. This level covers basic grammar points There are fun pages, crosswords, and logic problem pages to challenge the students' knowledge of the English vocabulary.


Level 2B The workbook has over 100 pages and is a one-year course for students who are learning more complex grammar, can read texts of 100 words understand them and answer comprehension questions on the subject, write short descriptions and stories.
The vocabulary in this workbook is based on Band 2 words given by the Ministry of Education in Israel.
There are fun pages, crosswords, and logic problem pages to challenge the students' knowledge of the English vocabulary.

Level 3 is a one-year course for students who are learning 8th Grade grammar, can read texts of over 100 words, understand them and answer comprehension questions on the subject, and write short descriptions and stories.
There are fun pages, odd-one-out, homophones, compound nouns, crosswords, and logic problem pages to challenge the students' knowledge of English vocabulary. The course includes a Workbook and 6 games that coincide with the material from the book.
Native Speakers

Native Speakers There are three one-year Native Speaker Workbooks.
Young Readers for 2nd or 3rd-grade students.
Book 1 for 3rd or 4th-grade students.
Getting Older for 4th or 5th-grade students.
The workbooks are divided into four parts -
Phonics / Sight Words / Spelling
Grammar and Punctuation
Sentence Building / Writing / Story Telling
Extra Material to enhance your students' learning experience.
Games and Flashcards

ESL Boxed Games is a variety of games that come ready to play. The children are familiar with the games, for example: 'Happy Families', 'Memory Game', 'Bingo', '4 in a Row' and more.
These games are perfect for hours of speaking, understanding and enjoying the English language.

Grammar Games
There are three sets of Boxed and Ready to Play Games. 4 games in a box.
1 Basic Grammar for 4th and 5th Grade students.
2 Grammar for 5th and 6th Grade students.
3. Grammar for 6th and 7th Grade students.
There are 3 sets of Printed Card (not cut nor laminated) Games. 6 to 12 games.
1. Basic Grammar for 4th and 5th Grade students.
2. Grammar for 5th and 6th Grade students.
3. Grammar for 7th to 9th Grade students.

Flashcards are a great tool to have in any lesson and can be a useful way to present, practice and reinforce vocabulary. They can be used for flashing to introduce a word, playing memory games, matching games, drawing activities, spelling, categorizing, telling stories, guessing games, and many other fun games and activities.
There are three levels of Flashcards
1. Easy Read - phonics reading
2. Level 1 - subject based reading
3. A to Z - letters and words
Extra Material to enhance your students' learning experience.
Booklets and Online Games and Activities

Over 25 booklets to choose from to reinforce the ABC, phonics, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and writing.
Grammar Reinforcement
Getting Ready for the next school year
Science in English - 4th to 7th Grade
Sentence and Paragraph writing
Freestyle writing
Summer Fun review
Online Games and Activities
A fabulous range of online products. In today's age of online learning.
Each level has at least 25 online games
Corona 2020 is a page on the site with over 250 games and activities
400 question cards - PDF file online or face-to-face
Easy Read complete interactive online review
Level 1A complete interactive grammar online review
4 sets of reading books to review short and long vowel sounds, digraphs and subject-based stories.

5 Free Printables for each category:
An eclectic range of Freebies.
Are you stuck for an idea of what to do with your students today?
Festivals and Special Dates
Online Games
Online Tutorials